Technology Research

The Center for Advanced Communications Policy (CACP) collaborates with key stakeholders including industry leaders, leading research centers, legislative and regulatory bodies, and nonprofits to address a wide range of advanced communications policy issues and related technology applications, particularly in the wireless and new technology arenas. Our programs and research initiatives range from the development of information and communications technology (ICT) policy to horizon scanning of significant public sector activities, with the aim of enhancing Georgia's contribution to national and international policy research agendas.

CACP is actively researching how key digital technologies are impacting our lives, the impact of the networked society and the implications for social and political policy. Examples of such technologies include wireless communication platforms, including smart phones and tablets; social networks; immersive digital environments, including virtual worlds and tiered digital interactions, such as electronic games; and open publishing and open source processes.

Technology Prototypes

CACP develops prototypes for devices that will advance communications. On two projects, Wireless RERC and IPAWS, researchers have created devices that will assist with the alert or dissemination of emergency alerts:

Notable Projects

New Digital Media

As an example, a recent research project for the National Council on Disabilities, entitled “The Power of Digital Inclusion: Technology’s Impact on Employment and Opportunities for People with Disabilities,” outlined the ongoing employment problems challenging people with disabilities and the promise that the networked economy and new digital media technology hold to transform the situation. Previous research into the employment challenges faced by people with disabilities had focused on the scarcity of job opportunities and the perceived competitive disadvantages that they face. Instead this report examined the social capital and networking needed to match job opportunities with job seekers. Researched and written by the Center for Advanced Communications Policy, the report also explored the transformative potential of specific technologies through user studies, interviews with industry and an overview of the challenges people with disabilities face in the employment market. The report concluded that the transition to a new networked economy has the potential to change the way the world of work operates and provide many more avenues for employment, especially for youth with disabilities.

Advanced Communications - Spectrum Utilization - Broadband

Broadband service is an essential part of modern life. It is necessary for advanced uses of the Internet, video and audio streaming, multi-person game playing, social networking, telemedicine services, emergency communications lifelines, telework, cloud computing (file creation, editing and storing), and much more. Similarly, spectrum allocations to accommodate the fixed and wireless devices that are being used to access broadband services are a high priority issue.

CACP provides input on broadband and spectrum related issues by hosting seminars in the topic area, filing comments with pertinent regulatory bodies and presenting research on the topics at conferences and other venues.

Broadband Technology Opportunities Program

The Center for Advanced Communications Policy (CACP), Georgia Tech, and The Federal Communications Bar Association (FCBA), Atlanta Chapter Presented the "Public Policy Luncheon Series". February 16, 2010, 12:00pm – 1:30pm GTRI Building, 250 14th St., NW, Atlanta, GA 30318. Part II: Broadband Stimulus in Georgia